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Rights of Ohio corporations

On Behalf of | Aug 6, 2015 | Business Litigation

The state of Ohio has written out in explicit detail the rights of corporations in the Ohio Revised Code, Title XVII. While many of the regulations are rather obvious and straightforward, such as trademarks and patents, there are nuances that can become quite complex. As such, it is important for businesses to understand their rights and what they can do if said rights are violated.

While this blog is too short to cover every law in depth, there are a few major ones to note. First, a corporation has the right to sue over business disputes and other matters — and to be sued. On the other side, they may also accept and give gifts to and from the public and other entities. They may also do contract work for the national government for national defense or in times of war.

Corporations may also adopt a seal and affix it to any products they create. If the seal is not presented in the product, it does not take away from the validity of it. This is great protection during any kind of intellectual property dispute. But it also means the business can be sued for damage done by the product, even if their name is not technically on it.

These are just a few of the laws that govern the rights of Ohio corporations. Any business owner or executive whose corporation is facing a breach of their rights may benefit from consulting a business and commercial law attorney to discuss Ohio law in depth.