More than two dozen people have filed lawsuits against an Ohio auto company that has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to resolve numerous cases since December 2012. Some of the complaints lodged against the prominent Miamisburg dealership include fraud and deception. The lawyer who represents all of the individuals claims that even more people want to pursue legal action against the car dealership.
Most of the complaints allege deception or inflated prices, according to a Dayton attorney fielding some of the claims. Some customers alleged that a salesperson would cover up costs on the document using his or her hand so that they were kept in the dark about the total amount the vehicle would cost.
An investigative news station located 71 complaints against the car dealership that had been filed with the attorney general’s office in the last eight years. The Ohio AG indicated that they cooperate with the Better Business Bureau regarding complaints. He couldn’t determine if the amount of complaints was excessive and would not say if their office was investigating the company, which has an A+ rating from the BBB.
The company’s owner asserted that the complaints had been blown out of proportion and submitted a statement that the company has served “thousands” of satisfied customers. He observed that some people feel that lawsuits are the best way to resolve problems rather than speaking directly with the company.
Businesses may find that litigation against them may escalate quickly when a number of complaints are lodged against them at the same time. Consumers who may not ordinarily have filed a claim may feel spurred to do so on account of others’ claims being filed and the media attention that often accompanies such claims. A Jeff Schmitt Auto Group facing numerous lawsuits”, Natalie Tendall, August 06, 2013